Stay ahead with advanced DPP features

Use next-generation DPP capabilities to keep ahead of evolving regulations

Browser chrome topUse next-generation DPP capabilities to stay ahead of evolving regulationsBrowser chrome top

Take advantage of advanced features to drive compliance and streamline workflows

Deliver customer trust & transparency through item-level data, restricted content, and more

Advanced DPP features

Private and restricted data

Make certain DPP data available only to stakeholders with approved, role-based access - like suppliers, distributors, or government authorities.

Batch- and item-level data

Attach item- or manufacturing batch-level data to your DPP, and define data schemas for managing granular information

DPP Collections

Curate and organize Digital Product Passports to display to customers

User permissions

Give team members role-based permissions to capabilities in the PicoNext console, including DPP Planner, DPP publishing, DPP Collections, and more

Regional datacenters

Comply with European Union requirements by storing user data in E.U.-based data centers, if applicable

Research Report

Digital Product Passport
Global Sustainability Study

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See how PicoNext can help drive your business forward with Digital Product Passports

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